Projects of Jamiat Ulma I Hind

A dedicated organization committed to fostering positive change through a range of impactful initiatives, addressing diverse societal needs with unwavering dedication.

Help the Widows and the Needy

Help the Widows and the Needy

Across the world, millions of families have been torn apart by the death of loved ones. All too often, orphans and widows are left to fend for themselves, grieving, struggling and in desperate need of support. You can help the most vulnerable and protect those at risk.

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Justice and Empowerment of Minorities

Justice and Empowerment of Minorities

JEM is an autonomous body of jamiat Ulama-i-Hind envisioning to uphold, protect and enforce the human rights of Minorities in India to promote a just society. JEM, established in 2021 as a forum to collate, research and document the increasing cases of Hate Crimes occurring on a daily basis in the country. A need to make the authorities aware of the changing social fabric of the country, in addition to urging them to take punitive action against the divisive fo...

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Urgent Appeal: Help Rohingya Refugees in India

Urgent Appeal: Help Rohingya Refugees in India

Dear Brothers and Sisters This message is on behalf of Jamiat-ulema e hind, a non-profit organization dedicated to serving humanity and promoting social welfare in India. As you may be aware, the Rohingya crisis has resulted in a large number of displaced refugees seeking shelter and safety in India and other countries. These innocent individuals have been forced to leave their homes, families, and everything they hold dear, facing unimaginable hardships and struggles. In an...

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Emergency Appeal for Palestine

Emergency Appeal for Palestine

Simmering tensions in the Middle East have tragically erupted into an unprecedented storm, casting a dark shadow over the already desperate humanitarian crisis in Gaza. Innocent civilians find themselves once again thrust into the nightmare of relentless airstrikes, witnessing a grim surge in the death toll and the displacement of hundreds of thousands, their safe havens obliterated. The heart of Jamiat ulama-i-Hind UK bleeds in anguish at the recent reports o...

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Jamiat Open School

Jamiat Open School

Jamiat Ulema-E-Hind Launches Jamiat Open School To Provide Secondary Level Education To Madrasa Students In an attempt to impart secondary-level education to Madrasa students, Jamiat Ulema-E-Hind has established ‘Jamiat Open School’ on the lines of the National Institute of Open Schooling (NIOS), with a target to reach out to as many as 50 thousand students at the first stage. An introductory and training program was held at the headquarters of the Jamiat, in which about 100 heads...

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Jamiat Children Village

Jamiat Children Village

"The one who cares for an orphan and I will be together like this, and he held his two fingers together". (Sahi Bukhari, 5659) After the devastating earthquake in Anjar ( Kutch) in 2001, in which 465 schoolchildren lost their lives, a Jamiat Children Village was constructed to commemorate their memory. The main aim of the project was to house and educate the orphans who had lost their parents during the earthquake and the Gujrat pogrom in 2002. Jamiat dedicatedly worked to r...

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Jamiats Scout

Jamiats Scout

Jamiat Youth Club has twin objectives that find their reference in the traditions of the Prophet of Islam. Producing and preparing strong individuals to serve humanity. This objective finds its resonance with a Prophet saying that a strong momin is dearer to Allah Almighty than a weaker one. Breakdown of CostsIndividually costs £190 over 3.5 yearsA full camp costs £5500

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Jamiats Madrasa

Jamiats Madrasa

Jamiat MakatibSave the Imaan of Millions of Children Deeni Taleem Board ( board of Religious Education) is a subsidiary unit of Jamiat Ulama-i-Hind. The board is managing 269 Makatib in the most backward areas of the country. Furthermore, under the supervision of state and local units of Jamiat, thousands of makhtab are being run. The total number of such Makatib is 38,640. The total number of students in these makatib is 1,60,9257.

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