Emergency Appeal for Palestine

Emergency Appeal for Palestine

Published At: Fri 10 Nov 2023

Emergency Appeal for Palestine

Simmering tensions in the Middle East have tragically erupted into an unprecedented storm, casting a dark shadow over the already desperate humanitarian crisis in Gaza. Innocent civilians find themselves once again thrust into the nightmare of relentless airstrikes, witnessing a grim surge in the death toll and the displacement of hundreds of thousands, their safe havens obliterated.

The heart of Jamiat ulama-i-Hind UK bleeds in anguish at the recent reports of lives lost and the escalating violence, vehemently denouncing every act of brutality against defenseless civilians. We fervently implore all parties involved to grasp the gravity of the situation and exercise restraint, sparing innocent lives from further devastation.

The toll of this conflict is etched in the pain of at least 11,260 Palestinians who have perished, and tens of thousands more bear the scars of injuries inflicted upon them. In this grim reality, the most heart-wrenching aspect is the staggering number of children, nearly half of the casualties, robbed of their futures. Across the West Bank, the toll rises with at least 145 lives lost and 2,100 souls wounded, leaving families shattered.

Within the confines of the Gaza Strip, the airstrikes have uprooted hundreds of thousands, leaving them displaced and desperate. Seeking refuge in the halls of schools, these displaced souls cry out for sustenance and basic necessities to endure the unforgiving circumstances that have befallen them. The urgency of their plight echoes through the broken streets and shattered homes, a plea for compassion amid the chaos. 

Jamiat Ulama-I-Hind UK Ltd is working with the local Charities to ensure your donations reaches the rightful recipients.  

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